Interaction in His Image

I have noticed lately just how little people think of each other. They refuse to even acknowledge another human being passing them, don’t see the point in looking at the wait staff, because they’re just the waiter after all, think of themselves as more important than someone else because of their name, how much money they make, their academic achievements, whether they are the appropriate gender, etc., or they are just too wrapped up in their own lives to take the time to notice someone else. It is so sad to see as well as experience.

God created all of us, male and female, in His own image (Gen. 1:27). He loves us so much that He made us to be like Him. It had no bearing on anything this world says or believes. He created us and He loves us with a love so strong that He sent His own Son (John 3:16) to teach us of His great love and to die for our sins. All of this was so we can be with Him in Heaven and so that we have direct access to Him at all times. One of the most tender expressions of His love for me is Zephaniah 3:17 – “He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Just as a mother disciplines and rebukes our bad choices and then at night sings a lullaby over us, God does the same for us! That is so beautiful!

But we seem to forget that this applies to everyone. Every single person is valuable in God’s eyes. He wants for none of us to perish and to come to Him in repentance (2 Peter 3:9). We should, at the very least, treat people we meet, no matter who they are or their position, with respect. As the Bible says, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12). It doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with them or plan outings with them. It is simply showing others that their lives count just as yours does.

We should also prayerfully consider our words carefully. Something thrown out in anger, frustration or hurt can stick with someone for years. It’s been said that it takes 10 positive comments to combat one negative comment. That’s huge. But if we eagerly look to serve others and care for who they are, we can make a difference in their moment, day or even life. I have heard of people who have decided to not commit suicide just because someone smiled at them and said “Hello”. They were shown by one kind act of another person acknowledging them that they mattered. It seems so trivial, but to someone who has been knocked down so often, it can mean the world to them. Everyone is worth that.

Does this mean that we, then, need to be working towards friendship and perfect relationships with everyone? No. Not everyone is meant to be our best friends or even friends. People come into and out of our lives at different seasons. That’s perfectly fine and the way life is. However, some people are not safe to be around for different reasons but usually because they are abusive physically, emotionally, spiritually and/or verbally. When you have a relationship like these, there needs to be much prayer in deciding what steps to take in protecting yourself and whether the relationship is something you should even keep. If you are married, seeking good Godly counsel is essential. If you are in a physically abusive relationship and your &/or your children’s lives are in danger, leave immediately, then seek Godly counsel in prayer.

But for the majority of interactions we have in a day, people are worth your smile, a kind comment or even a conversation, depending on the circumstance. Something so simple is a gift to another human being and will even make you feel better, too!

All Things For Good

No one goes through their life untouched by hardships. The way we handle those times is telling about who we are and where our strength lies. As Christians, our strength comes from God. When life hits so hard we don’t know how we’ll take our next step, He picks us up and carries us through it. He never abandons us and He works all things for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Remembering these facts about God during times when we are suffering, sometimes feels like a war. The pain combined with the knowledge of a loving, all-powerful God seems counterintuitive. However, the Bible tells us clearly that the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations (Psalm 100:5). In Isaiah 55:8 it also states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

We look at everything with human eyes and limited understanding. God is both omniscient and omnipotent. We can’t even begin to understand His thinking. He is full of grace, righteousness and compassion. (Psalm 116:5)

I have had a lot of rough times in my life and even a few tragic ones. I’ve had my entire life ripped away from me when I learned that my marriage was nothing that I thought it was. I couldn’t see how any of the things that were happening to me could ever be used for good. The pain was and, sometimes still is, overwhelming and deep. My world was forever changed and I was left empty and broken. I had no idea how my life would ever be worthwhile or helpful to anyone. I was trapped in a world where I was nothing and I had nothing to give.

But God has other plans. He is healing me. The last four years have been beyond difficult. However, I am beginning to see how He rescued me from so much more that could have happened. I am realizing that there is a strength and confidence in me that I never knew I had and would probably never have been able to realize had my life kept going down the same path.

Recently, God helped me to realize some of the “good” He had planned for my experience. A woman in my Bible study had learned that her marriage had gone down a similar path in some ways as mine. She was struggling with the lies that had been told to her and the circumstances surrounding her marriage issues. God allowed me to speak truth into her life and give her some advice.

See, some of the good that is meant to come is often not just for us. I believe He sometimes allows things to happen in our lives because He knows we can speak into the lives of others who are going through similar circumstances. Nothing we go through is wasted on God and His best for His children.